Tuesday, August 30, 2011

End of the First day in London!

Soooo.... I was told by my mom to start this blog. So I am. I can't say how faithfully original it all will be, because, today, i'm just going to put in scraps from an email I wrote to my parents today, because I'm tired, but I figure if I don't do it now, it'll never get done.

So, this is sorta how it all went:

"Well, I got here and I have to say, that it was soooo long after my plane landed that I finally got to the London center. I was huffing and puffing all the way; there were tons of staircases I had to drag my 50 and 30 lb suitcases up and down and by the end of two hours of travel, after the plane landed, I was ready to be done. But, I got here safely; not a hitch! Dad's blessing really helped- he said the logistics of my flight would work out and it did. I sat next to a really nice girl on the long flight who has been to London a bunch cus she has friends here, and she gave me lots of good info. Also, I was thru customs in about a minute, and they didn't even ask for my letter from school. It was awesome. Everything worked out just fine, proving my anxieties completely wrong.

I got to the center, lugged my cases up another long 5 flights of stairs to the “fourth floor” (there's a half-way landing floor in between that makes it 5 flights) and then freshened up for about twenty minutes, and then John took us on a 4 mile walk across hyde park and two other parks, then down to whitestreet (?) by the parliament houses, and then to Trafalgar square, and the up to the Piccadilly Circus. It was pretty fast going and we didn't stop much, but we did see some really neat statues and architecture, and a changing of the cavalry guard, and some “buskers” (street preformers- one was a mime, the other a guy dressed as a golden statue, and being really still in piccadilly circus).

We also saw Big Ben, and I got a pic of a Phone Booth, but it's not blue :(

Anyway, sorry for the long time you had to wait to get this, but I didn't really have access to internet until just now. Cus after the walk, which took until 5pm (we started at 2 or 2:30pm) we got home, I started unpacking for about 30min and then we had dinner- my first food since breakfast at 9am that morning, which was a small yogurt, a croissant with jam, and some orange juice. Surprizingly, I wasn't even that hungry when we ate; probably I was too excited to eat."

Yeah, it's been a long day, so that's all for now, but more, better descriptions of life in London are coming, I think. I'm sure. ;D

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